The Big Blue Control Room features an extraordinary one-of-a-kind Neve 8048, which Daft Punk mixed their last album on at Ocean Studios Burbank.
This console is equipped with forty 1081 modules, four 2254 compressors, and flying faders to accommodate extensive mix-down sessions.
The spacious control room allows for a comfortable and inspiring work flow.
The outboard gear in the Big Blue Control Room is extensive and outfitted with extraordinary and unique vintage and modern pieces that will elevate mixing and tracking sessions.
This picture shows the spacious and breathtaking Big Blue tracking room.
A panoramic view of the room.
The back of the Big Blue Tracking Room is extraordinary for drum tracking and can accommodate multiple setups. This room also faces the Rio Grande, beautiful mountains, orchards, and breathtaking sunsets.
This shot is the reverse angle, looking towards the control room and the beautiful Yamaha C3.
These 600 year-old pillars came from India. This baffle configuration allows for a tight and controlled sound.
This specific Yamaha C3 piano is out of this world. Also in this picture, is an early '61 B3 and a CP80 that is one of the best of its kind.
There is a myriad of realities that can be set up in all of the different areas of this magnificent room. This photograph features the Vincent Van Haff held hole Resonator diffusion ceiling.
Sonic Ranch has an extraordinary collection of vintage amplifiers and guitars. Featured here are some Tweed, Marshal, Vox, Komet and Black Faced amplifiers with a '61 Les Paul, '75 Jerry Finn Telecaster, and a '61 Esquire that belonged to Stevie Ray Vaughn.
The Mayan booth features artisanal fabrics from Yucatan. The extraordinary microphones featured in this room, from left to right: Neumann 269, RCA 44, ELAM 251, Telefunken U47 Chrome Top, AKG C12, Neumann U47, Neumann U67, and Neumann M249.
The extraordinary basses from left to right are the Hofner, '65 Jazz Bass; which belonged to Tim Lefebvre, a '66 P-Bass, a '62 Jazz Bass, a '66 Jazz Bass, and a '78 P-Bass which belonged to Paco, from Molotov. There is also an Ampeg B15 and an Ampeg '63 Blue Face head atop an 8x10 cabinet.
This Redwood Booth contains a 61' Les Paul SG, a 69' Purple Plexi, a 51' Fender Deluxe, a Fender 62' Showman Amp, and a 64' Super Reverb Amp.
The Chagall booth, accommodates a wide variety of drum kits. This '78 Blue Gretch "Stop Sign Badge" is featured in this picture.
Rupert Neve 8048 Console w/ 40+ 1081 Channels
Yamaha C7 Grand Piano
Yamaha Upright
AVID Pro Tools HDX v.12
Tannoy DMT 250 w/ JBL 464s Subs (18in)
Crown Macro Reference
Furman HDS Cue System
Breville espresso machine Barista, mini fridge, fridge